Our Services

Our hands-on and applied workshops help your cross-functional and diverse
teams get clarity, alignment and commitment to your purpose

Mesh Consulting Services

We help organizations succeed by getting more value from their human resources. Using our groundbreaking Mesh Accountability FrameworkTM, we give organizations the skills and mindset they need to integrate systems, capture efficiencies, reduce errors and empower innovation. Using a holistic approach, we build the structure and organizational capacity you will need to implement and sustain an accountable culture, developing new skills to drive lean methodologies, continuous improvement, operational excellence and success, regardless of how your organization defines it.

Process Mapping

Process mapping is a collaborative, cross-functional exercise to align your
team and maximize the value streams in your business.


Breaks the process down to task-based steps with single ownership enabling empowerment


Clarity on how the work gets executed and who does what


Training tool for new recruits and old-timers alike


Working with cross-functional partners gains agreement and commitment to the process


Facilitates misaligned interfaces in a positive, controlled environment and sets up a taxonomy for storing information


Setting rules and conditions to process maps enables teams to compromise or to stand up for what’s important.


The process map is the starting point for any control system in order to understand our process flow, its critical points and the system’s bottlenecks.


In order to get repeatable results that meet the needs of all stakeholders at the lowest cost, an organization’s execution network must work efficiently, effectively and consistently. To do that, Mesh gets clarity on what you do and how you do it, where control points should be, and who are the gatekeepers. We develop documented process maps for high level understanding, step-by-step processes and detailed work instructions


Whether tweaking, automating or wanting to start all over, a process map is the quickest way to get clarity and alignment on how the work is done today and what it costs to do it. That baseline can then be used to calculate your ROI or to trim nonvalue-added processes.

Fit-for-Purpose Process Design

At Mesh, we believe business processes should be designed like engineered processes, to be fit for purpose and capable of operating in extreme conditions with zero losses. That doesn’t mean processes have to be highly prescriptive and rigid. High level processes can leave a lot of local ownership at the task level.
Mesh fit for your purpose design
Mesh getting the big picture

Getting the Big Picture

Helping teams understand the big picture and how they contribute to its success drives better understanding of interdependencies and consequences if we don’t deliver.

Paying Attention to the Details

Sometimes the process maps have to be very prescriptive when meeting regulatory requirements or following a detailed job instruction. These can be set up for training or ready-references and signage at the job site.
paying attention to the details

Team Cohesion

The process mapping exercise is a positive way to deal with organizational pinch points and bottelnecks. We facilitate a collaborative environment to streamline processes and remove wastes, creating safe environments to challenge each other in a collegial manner and resolve grievances with logical discussion.

Roles and Responsibilities

The success or failure of a team is determined by the quality of their interactions and
willingness to meet or exceed needs and expectations


Allows leaders to fully delegate work to team members


Clarity and alignment on who owns what responsibilities


Responsibility Matrix is the basis for a competency tracking database


All team members must commit to the final distribution of responsibilities


Eliminates significant conflict that normally occurs at the interface of responsibilities


Each person knows, understand and supports the roles and responsibilities of each member


Creates the basis for the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
In most organization, conflict and the root of poor accountability is a lack of clear understanding of who owns what and who can make what decisions. As a result, leaders often spend their time dealing with who owns the problem or having to fix it themselves. The Roles and Responsibilities Process gets clarity on what is done and who owns it.

Tapping into Your Reserves

We believe there is a wealth of untapped resources at the front line of your organization so we tend to start there. Getting your front line to step up and take ownership not only frees up supervisors to do more value added work, but improves retention and quality while reducing scrap and lost time injuries.

Freeing Up Your Innovators

The best innovation happens in organizations when front-line workers can better execute their work, freeing up frontline supervisors to innovate and improve. Capitalize on this wealth of experience by freeing them to implement find efficiencies and cut costs.

Roles & Responsibilities Workshops

We have seen dramatic improvements in execution capacity due to less misalignment and friction at the interfaces of the work but more importantly, people are able to take ownership of their responsibilities. Get clarity and commitment to the work at hand!

Do You Have the Depth You Need?

By tracking a person’s capability at the task level, employers can pinpoint training needs and operational risks. Competency levels can also be aligned with job classifications, pay or bonus thresholds, and support organizational succession planning. Use Competency as a leading indicator of success.

From Clarity to Commitment

By using the Responsibility Matrix as the basis for your resource planning exercises, stakeholders identify estimated hours required to do each task. This activity builds trust and tells the team whether imposed deadlines are realistic or not. If they are realistic, now you get buy-in and commitment. If they’re not, we figure out options out cut costs.

Book a Roles and Responsibilities Workshop Today Get Better Culture, Clarity, Competency Commitment & Collaboration

We’ve Got This!

To create a stronger execution culture, the Roles and Responsibilities process helps shift your culture to one that leads by asking who owns this responsibility and to whom are they accountable? Letting people step up and taking away their barriers to success. We’ve Got This!

Team Development

High performance teams don’t just happen. They take meticulous planning,
flawless execution and a willingness to work differently


Gives clear messaging to team leaders to stand up for what is important


What collaboration is and how it works


Don’t assume your team knows how to be collaborative.


to each other and to the objectives of the team.


Gives team members a positive language to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.


All of us are better than one of us.


A collaborative team is the best defense against people who drain value form your organization.

This facilitated workshop helps participants develop a higher level of commitment to creating a high-performance execution network, attaining the vision, values, context and focus that all work must flow through. That focus forms a holistic and intentional approach to creating the tools, purpose and commitment required to enable team collaboration and high performance. Team Development can be run as a stand-alone facilitated workshop or as a Train the Trainer opportunity where our Mesh consultants work with your team to create their own Team Development plans and build the internal capacity to integrate team processes into your team meetings and communications.

Getting the Right people on the Bus

If you are clear on the competencies, then recruiting is simply about getting the people with the traits that you are looking for. We help teams define what those traits are for your organization and develop strategies to screen out those that don’t have them.

Onboarding in Style

If you want people to be high performers, you need a well-planned and choreographed onboarding experience in order to ensure that they know the bar is higher than they might be used to so get ready!

Navigating the Organizational Culture

This is not just the Who, What, When Where, Why and How of your organization, but it should also speak to your organizational culture…the accepted norms and the taboos. Leaving orientation to chance significantly extends the new hire’s learning curve and risk of stepping on a land mine.

Sawu Bona

There is an African greeting that translates to mean, “do you see me?” (Sawu Bona?) Until the respondent acknowledges you can be seen (Sikhona!), then you are not welcome and do not exist. Participants come up with strategies to make new comers be seen and feel more welcome, enabling them to contribute back to the community sooner.

Transfer of Power

Starting you project or change initiative requires clear messaging on goals and objectives, as well as leadership’s needs and expectations in order for the project team to accept ownership and responsibility of the initiative. The Kick Off is a formal transfer of power (and budget) from one leader to another.

Hero Culture

Let’s face it, we live in a hero culture where the perception is competition wins over collaboration every day. To change that, we use experiential and educational team building to overcome societal tendency towards self and became a stronger team player.

Taking a Stand

If task authority is aligned with decision making authority, people are in a position to be leaders; to step up and take ownership of their responsibilities and to take a stand on issues that matter to them and their ability to execute.

Recognition & Reward

These are powerful tools to motivate people to do more, or they can demotivate them to do less…beware. Sincere recognition is highly inspiring and a pay off for hard work and extra effort while rewards, if aligned with empowering others to perform, are important levers to help drive change.

Exclusivity Has Its Privileges

People are more committed when they feel like they are part of a special community. Participants come up with creative, low cost branding solutions that not only create a sense of brand and exclusivity, but has symbolic meaning and can act as a touchstone for all team members.

Who’s Up For a Party?

Recharging your team’s batteries after achieving significant milestones is absolutely critical…unless they did nothing to deserve it! At Mesh, we love to celebrate excellence and achievement so we work with the participants of this workshop to come up with fun, inclusive ways to celebrate success.

Passing the Baton

Setting up others for success when our work is done and handed off is likely the least recognized activity that someone can take but is the most important to ensure ongoing, sustainable success of any initiative. Our facilitators help the participants begin with the end in mind to make sure your success has an impact for years to come.