Our Solutions
Our integrated solutions will give your team the tools they need to build
more effective execution networks
Why Are Some Teams So Much Better?

Outstanding Characteristics

- A leadership team that was empowering and ensured decision-making authority was aligned with task authority
- Clarity of purpose and individual responsibilities to achieve our purpose.
- A highly collaborative team watching out for each other, having fun and challenging each other to live up to our commitments.
- A team highly committed to the quality and timeliness of their work.
- Free flowing communication. Always easy to get the answers to your questions.
- Highly skilled team members with proper training, experience and support.
- Systems were in place; people followed them; and were held accountable if they didn’t.
Groundbreaking Analytics

Discover The 7 C’s of AccountabilityTM
Discover The 7 C’s Of Accountability

A Simple Lean Tool

A Leading Indicator Of Success
Get Better Results
One of the greatest things we like about the 7 C’s is that is applicable anywhere. Regardless of what you do, how you do it, or how big or small, for profit or not, government of academic institution, it doesn’t matter… the 7 C’s framework can help you get better results.
Download the 7 C’s of AccountabilityTM Reference Card today

The Accountability IndexTM
The 7 C's of Accountability IndexTM
If the 7 C’s of AccountabilityTM are the leading indicators of organizational success then the Accountability IndexTM would be your crystal ball. This online survey, that takes only 15 minutes to complete, but will give you a much better picture of your current organizational capacity and the opportunities for its improvement.
How Effective Will Your Team Be?

Seeing The Future
Improve Your Odds

Pinpointing The Problem
Get The Best Return On Your Investment

30 Day Action Plan
From the survey data, we analyze the results and provide a comprehensive 30 Day Accountability improvement PlanTM which will include many low cost, low impact interventions that can have significant and immediate results That report will also highlight areas of strength within your organization, which can be leveraged to transfer best practices within the organization for a fraction of the cost of an external consultant.